Tovil is a system for spotting and recruitment for public services in Israel. The system helps high quality candidates to find the most suitable job for them in the public service, where they can contribute, influence, change and improve the life for citizens in Israel. 
What is happening now? Today, in order to find an open position in the public sector you have to look in above 200 different websites, where most of the job's descriptions are unclear, and even after you apply for one - the recruitment process takes 9 months in average, without any information about the process during that period of time. This causes many candidates to give up during the process. 
What have we created? The system will allow candidates to create their own profile, in which they will provide relevant qualification and experience. The system will find the candidate's most suitable open positions using smart matching algorithm. The system will also allow employers to create contact with the candidates. Additionally, the system will enable candidates to ask questions about the process, which will be answered by public service veterans and Maas experts to gain information during the recruitment process. 
Where is the change? With the information gathered by Tovil, we have developed "Madad Tovil" - a quality measuring tool for the public services. The measurement will raise the public awareness for public services quality, which will eventually change government's policies and improve the life of every citizen in Israel!